Best hand saw for cutting down trees

Our team independently selects, reviews, and identifies the best products. We may earn affiliate commissions on purchases made from links on this page. Read about our links here. This post was updated on July 13, 2024

Using a handsaw to make a tree fall can be a massive struggle- we all agree that these pretty familiar hand-held tools are not chainsaws and can give you a hard time with trees.

But we also know that a handsaw is by far one of the safest ways of felling trees, if you have good reason to cut down trees. 

Now, what you must know is that not all handsaws are cut out for this- nothing less than the best hand saw for cutting down trees will topple trees.

Fortunately for you, we have put together a list of top 3 hand saws for the job to give you choice as you shop for the best hand saw for cutting down trees.

Go through the buying guide that comes after the reviews if you’re unsure about how to compare our cherry-picked models.

The reviews first:

Best hand saw for cutting down trees – product reviews

Here is a compilation of the top 3 hand saws for cutting trees that you can buy today.

1.     Bahco  30-Inch Ergo 10-30-23 Bow Saw

This is the hand saw for you if you are looking for something solid enough to make mincemeat of tree’s trunk even those with larger diameters.

This is specially made for heavy-duty cutting applications where power, precision, productivity, and speed are essential.

That explains the inclusion of features such as the innovative tensioning mechanism (for higher blade tension plus straight cutting) and the triangular set teeth (for more aggressive sawing).

And because the blade is 30 inches long, it cuts the bigger stuff more easily.

The ergo handle (equipped with knuckle protector) makes the sawing action smooth and quite comfortable.

Besides being a cracking piece of equipment, it’s likely to last a long time thanks to the unbreakable steel tubing along with the anti-corrosion property (it’s painted to prevent rusting).


  • Easy to change/tighten the blade. 
  • Designed lightweight and portable. 
  • Seems like a lasting product.


  • Replacement blades a bit costly.

2.     Truper Steel Handle 30255 Bow Saw

Next on my list is this wonderful hand saw from Truper, one of the renowned manufacturers of woodworking tools on the planet.

This saw is perfect for any small trees you may want to bring down.

This gem is razor-edged and cuts through tree trunks like a hot knife slices through butter with the superior, sturdier teeth.

Not only does it saw well and fast but you won’t also be tiring out any soon owing to the comfy grip.

At 21-inches, the blade is long enough to get the job done in these sort of trees.

We are again looking at a creatively constructed hand saw.

For example, the blade remains perfectly tight because of the integrated unique cam-lever tension system.

The finger guard/handle is an awesome touch too.

And like the popular Bahco 30-Inch Ergo hand Saw, replacing the blade is easy and takes no time.


  • Nice features.
  • Good quality must-have tool.
  • Cuts without bending.


3. Fiskars  Bow Saw, 7029 21-Inch

If you want a really affordable hand saw, then the Fiskars Bow Saw has you covered.

It may look cheap, yes but it’s not a one-hit-wonder and you’ll get more life than you’d think out of the tool.

So, why is the cool pricing and will it truly work?

Well, your guess is good as mine now that it goes toe to toe with the other models we have covered here in practically everything.

Consider this:

A tough precision-ground steel blade that stays sharp even when tackling larger trunks, safety tension lever to give you more control and comfort when cutting, and a lightweight tubular steel frame (for longevity and carrying).

It even doesn’t stop there….

For instance, the blade is coated with a rust inhibitor to keep rust at bay.

Moreover, since the blade is reasonably long (it’s available in 30” and 21” sizes), you won’t have to keep reversing directions when cutting, which makes it less work.


  • Cuts more efficiently.
  • Incredible pricing.
  • One of the easiest to use.


  • The blade is somewhat thin.

Hand saw for cutting down tree Buying Guide

Hopefully, thanks to this guide, finding a good hand saw for your occasional tree felling job won’t be complicated.

Here are the most critical things that you should be on the lookout for when making your choice.

·         Overall construction

Usually, the quality of the blade and the teeth determine how well it saws so the blade must be strong enough and the teeth of perfect size to support faster cutting.

On a related note, a longer blade cuts trees more effortlessly.

Still- and I’m sure you know this -, a razor sharp blade is necessary for a quicker job.

·         Thoughtful design features

I’ve no doubt that you’ve come across hand saws that seem to have been very well thought out.

Of course, you need both maximum comfort and safety when on the job so any feature that contributes to these two is worth taking note of.

Top of these considerations is an ergonomic design and non-slip, cozy material on the handle.

Also desirable is an easy folding feature because it makes the saw safe to transport as well as simplifying storage.

·         Other considerations

  1. Check the weight– a lightweight saw is going to make life easier for you when working for an extended time.
  2. Durability– if extreme durability matters to you, check for features such as corrosion resistance and other reinforcements all around the tool.


Admittedly, I was on the fence when a friend suggested that I should try a hand saw for the occasional tree cutting task. 

Fortunately, he was right (and I wrong!) and all has been well with my pick for the best hand saw for cutting down trees, which is the Bahco 30-Inch Ergo Bow Saw.

All said and done, hand saws work best for small or medium-sized trees.

For this reason, consider investing in a chain saw or something similar if you often have to handle those gigantic trees.

Lastly, safety should always be a priority when felling trees and working with saws so be sure to put on essential safety gear such as your logger’s helmet, safety glasses, etc.

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